Why Plant fiber is becoming more popular in the sustainable industry?

Why Plant fiber is becoming more popular in the sustainable industry?

Plant Fiber is not only the most eco-friendly material for nature but also the perfect material when it comes to packaging and containing food. It is processed professionally to become an environmentally friendly material with the advantages of 100% degradability, strong moldability, high cleanliness, good appearance, strong toughness, anti-shock and anti-static, etc. It is the best choice for environmentally friendly packaging products because no waste is generated in producing it.

100% Degradability

If you accidentally throw the Fiber Plant products away, it can be degraded in the soil for six months, 100% Home Compost.

Strong Moldability

This raw material can be used to make various packaging products. The range includes different designs & sizes, which make it ideal for food delivery and take-out. Suitable for cold & hot food or drink.

High Cleanliness

It made of Bagasse and Bamboo. The raw materials are very simple and clean.

Be smart and use the most friendly material of them all, Plant Fiber which always goes back to nature.

Stop plastics! Switch into Eco-friendly products.


Post time: Jun-08-2022